Introducing Banking and Credit Building, Together

At Current, we’ve always believed everyone should have access to opportunities to improve their financial lives. We know banking can be complicated, so we’ve always strived to make it as simple, secure and affordable for all our members to make progress with their money.
We’ve provided our members their paychecks faster, we’ve helped them grow their savings, we’ve provided them overdraft without fees and we’re proud to be able to offer all those banking services now along with credit building.
Members now have access to an enhanced spending experience that allows you to build your credit history as you spend with a secured charge card that is connected to your existing spending balance. You have just one balance to view and manage on Current. You have seamless access to all the same features, including paychecks up to two days faster with direct deposit, up to 4.00% APY on Savings Pods, fee-free overdraft, fee-free ATMs, but now with the ability to build your credit history simultaneously without monthly fees, credit checks or deposit minimums.
Oh, and there’s no worry about falling into debt. We help you build your credit safely by keeping funds in reserve so you can potentially use them to pay your bill at the end of each month and we then report your on-time payments to the credit bureaus. You can even put your bill on Auto Pay for complete peace of mind.
Bank as you always have on Current. Now also safely build your credit.