Crush tax season

We're making tax filing easy, fast, and free with our tax filing partner Column Tax.

Hand holding a phone with the Current app open
  • File for free

    Filing Disclosures

    Free tax filing is only available to Current users who receive $200.00 or more in Eligible Direct Deposits into their Current Account over the preceding 35-day period. Eligible Direct Deposits include Automated Clearing House (ACH) direct deposits from your employer, payroll provider, or government payer. Eligible Direct Deposits do not include Bank ACH transfers, inter- or intra-bank peer-to-peer transfers, transfers made to debit cards from digital wallets or P2P services (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, Google Pay, Facebook Pay, or other similar services), mobile check deposits, and cash deposits. Otherwise, a $20 tax filing fee will be applied.

    When you set up and receive a direct deposit into your Current account, you can also file your taxes completely for free. No surprise charges. No sneaky upsells. So “free” actually means “free”.

  • Refunds up to 5 days faster

    Refund Deposit Disclosures

    Early access to tax refunds depends on the timing of the submission of the payment file from the payer. We generally make these funds available on the day the payment file is received, which may be up to 5 days earlier than the scheduled payment date.

    When you have your refund deposited into your Current account, you'll receive it up to 5 days faster.

  • Maximum refunds, guaranteed

    Maximum Refund Disclosures

    Maximum Refund Guarantee is subject to Column Tax Terms of Use. Current is in partnership with Column Tax for tax filing services. Current does not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice, and users should consult a qualified professional for personalized guidance. View Column Tax Terms of Use.

    Know you're getting the biggest refund possible including all eligible credits and deductions thanks to a guarantee from our partner Column Tax.

Illustration depicting state and federal taxes

With Current & Column Tax you get:

  • Both Federal & State personal taxes

  • Maximum refund, guaranteed

  • 100% accuracy, guaranteed

  • 2x faster filing than traditional options

Taxes Disclosures

Free tax filing is only available to Current users who receive $200.00 or more in Eligible Direct Deposits into their Current Account over the preceding 35-day period. Eligible Direct Deposits include Automated Clearing House (ACH) direct deposits from your employer, payroll provider, or government payer. Eligible Direct Deposits do not include Bank ACH transfers, inter- or intra-bank peer-to-peer transfers, transfers made to debit cards from digital wallets or P2P services (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, Google Pay, Facebook Pay, or other similar services), mobile check deposits, and cash deposits. Otherwise, a $20 tax filing fee will be applied. Maximum Refund Guarantee, 2x Faster, and 100% Accuracy Guarantee is subject to Column Tax Terms of Use. Current is in partnership with Column Tax for tax filing services. Current does not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice, and users should consult a qualified professional for personalized guidance. View Column Tax Terms of Use..


  • Should I file taxes?

    You can find more information about requirements for tax filing with the IRS – Who should file

  • How do I file for free?

    You can file for free with Current and Column if you receive a $200 qualifying eligible payroll direct deposit over the preceding 35-day period into your Current account. Otherwise you will be charged a $20 filing fee.

  • When will I receive my tax refund?

    The IRS issues most refunds within 21 days from the time your tax return is accepted by the IRS. You can monitor the progress of a refund by using this IRS Where’s My Refund tool.

    After your tax return has been accepted by the IRS, please allow 36 hours for information to appear in the IRS Where’s My Refund tool and 3 weeks to get a refund electronically.

  • How does Current give me my refund early?

    Early access to tax refunds depends on the timing of the submission of the payment file from the payer. We generally make these funds available on the day the payment file is received, which may be up to 5 days earlier than the scheduled payment date.

  • What tax situations are covered?

    Column’s tax experience covers all credits, deductions, rebates, exemptions, adjustments, distributions, income types, and filing statuses that apply to individual Federal and State tax filings. For more information, check out the Column Terms of Use.

  • Can I file previous year’s taxes with Current?

    No, you cannot file your previous year’s taxes with Current and Column.

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